
What Is The Difference Between Saturation and Vibrance?

Just about every photo editing software package contains the ability to adjust both the saturation and vibrancy of colours in an image. But, what is the difference between Saturation and Vibrance? This is a question I get asked a lot during my workshops and classes and to be honest, it's a difficult answer to put [...]

Black and White Photography – Shoot in Camera or Convert in Post?

I would say every single digital camera is capable of black and white photography in camera. Well, maybe with one exception. The question I get asked a lot regarding black and white photography is, should I shoot in black and white in the camera or should I shoot in colour and convert to black and [...]

Adobe Voice Controlled Photo Editing

Adobe has announced that they are working on a project to bring voice controlled photo editing to the iPad and other compatible mobile devices. Adobe has released a video which demonstrates the concept. The video shows the user making a basic crop, flipping the image before sharing it to Facebook. Adobe is referring to the project as Adobe [...]

Add Warmth to The Highlights of An Image in Photoshop

Often, we find ourselves wanting to add warmth to the highlights of an image. One preferred way of adding warmth to the highlights is to use the Photo Filter inside Photoshop. This is an acceptable method but it has the disadvantage of adding tint to the entire image. The method I describe below will show [...]

Orton Effect – Try This Quick Photoshop Tutorial

The Orton effect is a method of post processing that gives a dreamy soft focus look to a photograph. The Orton effect is named after its creator, Michael Orton. He originally created the effect by stacking two separate images on top of each other; one in sharp focus and the other was shot slightly out of focus. Originally, [...]

Accurately Correct White Balance Using Photoshop

This is a little-known method that will allow you to accurately achieve the correct white balance in a photograph using Adobe Photoshop. There are lots of methods for correcting the white balance in an image but this one achieves one of the most technically correct results for white balance. Rather than using the traditional white [...]

What is a DNG file and Should You Convert?

A DNG file is an alternative to the many different versions of raw files offered by the many different camera manufacturers. The name, DNG, is shorthand for - Digital Negative. It was developed by Adobe and is therefore compatible with all of their software applications. Adobe developed it to overcome the problems posed by having so [...]

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