DxO PureRaw 2

DxO PureRaw 2

DxO PureRaw 2

DxO PureRaw 2 will dramatically improve your Raw photographs. That is a bold claim, but I have found it to be true.

DxO PureRAW 2 is the new update to the original DxO PureRAW. This second version of the application has three main improvements over its predecessor. DxO PureRAW 2 offers a much-improved workflow for photographers who work with Adobe Lightroom. There is finally support for Fuji X-Trans Raw files, and there is a boost in performance. Those who have an M1 Mac will notice the speed improvement more than those who have a computer with an Intel CPU.

DxO PureRAW 2 is aimed at Raw processing. The application is designed to be used on a Raw file at the beginning of the workflow. It should be used before any other processing is performed on the Raw file. The purpose of DxO PureRAW 2 is to produce the best Raw image from the beginning, and thereby opening more opportunities when editing the Raw image in Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, Capture One etc.

This talk will demonstrate how to use DxO PureRaw 2 and show the amazing difference it can make to your Raw files. The talk will only last one hour, with additional time for questions.

This is an online talk and is free

This talk will be online using Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to you after you have signed up.

Download Free

You can download a 30-day free trial or purchase a full copy of DxO PureRaw 2 using the link below.


28 Jun 2022


10:30 - 11:30

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 28 Jun 2022
  • Time: 05:30 - 06:30


f:Stop Training
f:Stop Training
07779 239437
[email protected]


  • Martin Sproul
    Martin Sproul
    Owner of f:Stop Training

    I have been taking photographs at various levels since I was 14 years of age – that’s a long time. I started with a cheap and fully manual SLR camera which forced me into a steep learning curve to ensure I didn’t waste every roll of film. Yes, film! I used rolls of film at first then progressed onto shooting and developing my own slides.
    I am a qualified instructor and have over 8 year’s experience as an industry trainer, which when coupled with my knowledge, experience and passion for photography, ensures that all our courses are meticulously designed and delivered with enthusiasm. It is always a joy to further people’s knowledge and inspire their photography.

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  1. Jane Roby 28th June 2022 at 12:09 - Reply

    Thank you for the presentation Martin. Very impressed with the results and simplicity of use. I will be getting this software. So many images I can’t wait to try it out on.

    • Martin 28th June 2022 at 12:55 - Reply

      Thank you for your comment. DxO PureRaw 2 is very simple to use and the results are amazing.

  2. Jolanta Bujalska-Axon 28th June 2022 at 12:33 - Reply

    Thank you Martin for a great detailed presentation on DXO PURERaw 2.
    I’m already using the trial version after your previous recommendation and have already found it really good at improving the quality of my images especially those taken in low light and high ISO.
    Will we get the video recording sent to us as I missed the start due to my Mac not letting me access the link to the meeting.
    Using Lightroom and DXO raw has changed my editing immensely. Now I can use these programmes with confidence and much better skills.
    Thank you and you are an excellent and patient teacher!

    • Martin 28th June 2022 at 12:54 - Reply

      Thank you for your comment and I am pleased that you enjoyed the presentation. The software is spectacular.

  3. Mike Goodwin 28th June 2022 at 12:35 - Reply

    As ever an excellent course. I learned a lot and it expanded my ability to use the software and I am sure will speed up my workflow.
    Many thank Martin.

    • Martin 28th June 2022 at 12:53 - Reply

      Thank you, Mike. I am glad you liked the presentation and DxO PureRaw 2. It is amazing!

  4. Irene Purdie 28th June 2022 at 15:09 - Reply

    Once again, great course. Very clearly explained. Looks like I’ll be parting with more cash once my free trial expires !! Thanks again 🙂

  5. Suzanne 28th June 2022 at 16:06 - Reply

    I am new to learning photography more seriously. Martin’s presentation was clear and informative and I found I was able to understand its use sufficiently to look at it in the future once I’ve mastered some more of the basics. Some of the information was suited to the more professional/advanced photographer but this information is good for all levels to appreciate. I felt everyone would have got a lot from the presentation.
    I will definitely use this software in the future.

    As ever, Martin obviously has a thorough and practical understanding of the software and teaches this well, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions, however basic or technical.

  6. Alan Baird 28th June 2022 at 19:45 - Reply

    Great presentation Martin, very informative and pitched at a level which was easy to follow and understand. The product itself is phenomenal and far outstrips anything similar hat I have seen in the past. Looking forward to the next meeting already!

    • Martin 28th June 2022 at 20:50 - Reply

      Thanks for your comments and see you next week.

  7. David P 28th June 2022 at 19:58 - Reply

    Excellent presentation on DxO PureRAW 2. I learned a lot from a starting point of knowing nothing about this software save for having seen it used once. I feel I have a clear understanding of what it does (and wow but does it well!) and the mechanics of how to use it in conjunction with Lightroom or as stand-alone package. Just observing someone using it and not just showing before and after was really helpful. Thank you for answering my questions.

    • Martin 28th June 2022 at 20:50 - Reply

      You are welcome and I am pleased you found the talk useful.

  8. Chris Lee 4th July 2022 at 18:04 - Reply

    Great presentation from Martin on the DxO PureRAW2 software – very clear and informative. Since the presentation, I have downloaded PureRAW2 and have used it to improve some of my own images and the difference is immense. Thank you so much!

    • Martin 4th July 2022 at 18:56 - Reply

      Thank you and I hope you enjoy using it. Be careful, it can be addictive.

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