Stop Wait a minute. What does a photographer really want you to do? Simple really, stop for a minute and take a look at his/her work. Give it more than a fleeting glance. An image can hold and portray emotion, it is sometimes not until you actually stop and look do you see what is in the image.
A photographer, stylist or model will come up with a concept, then it will be put through the process of firstly capture (the shoot) following on from that there will be the edit, and who knows how long that will take and then it will be released onto the website, social media etc. This all takes time. Time that has been spent bringing a concept to fruition it didn’t just happen.
Modern high tech life passes us by at a frantic speed and it is thanks to all the gadgets such as iPhone, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the various other social media platforms that helps speed things along. It is estimated that the average person browsing their social media feed will give an image only a few seconds of their time, if lucky one might get a ‘Like’ or two.
Images made by creative people usually hold more than can be seen in only a few seconds. So next time you come across an image you know to have been created and presented to you by a photographer or a creative artist, stop! Wait a minute, and see it for what it really is. Study it and appreciate the lighting, the mood and the meaning and in doing so you will begin to understand the value of an image.
As a photographer and a creative person, I fully appreciate the work of other like minded creatives. I enjoy browsing through a busy feed and taking a few minutes to look at images. I don’t really care if those images are from iPhone or DSLR because in the right hands, both can, and have been known to, produce strong, powerful and most importantly interesting images. Go get creative and enjoy your photography.
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