Yesterday I realised that it wasn’t long to go and I had better start getting ready for my gallery in Tuscany. You see, near the end of April I am travelling out to Tuscany for the first of my photography workshops for this year. Part of my trip will also involve hanging the images that I will be displayed in the gallery in Barga.

This gallery exhibition is something that I have been doing for a couple of years. The gallery is located within one of the main squares in the old part of Barga and so far my photographs have been received well and have managed to sell. Having a collection of photographs hanging in a gallery in Tuscany is not something that I ever envisaged when I began my photography workshops, but it has now become a regular part of my year. It’s a logistical nightmare at times, but worth it.

The first of the logistical headaches is deciding which images I am going to pick for display. Now that may sound simple, and it probably is for a great many people, but not for me. I swither and dither my way through hundreds of images. Images that I’ve worked on and seen dozens of times. Images that I’ve probably shared on Instagram and Facebook and images that I am sick-fed-up looking at. Now, as March draws to an end, I’ve got to decide which of those images is getting displayed in the gallery and which is not. I can assure you, I treat the task with the same enthusiasm as I did my homework as a teenager. It’s amazing how interesting the TV is and how addictive the dancing cats on Facebook become. This year, I have decided to do things a little bit differently.

Once the painful task of selecting my images has been completed, I now have to decide upon what material they will be printed onto, what size I will print them at before I upload them for professional printing and posting.

In addition to the wall hanging prints, I have also decided to sell smaller and less expensive cardboard mounted prints that will fit inside hand luggage as well as a suitcase.

So what photographs have I picked? I have included them below. Please have a look and let me know your honest opinion.

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If you are interested in knowing more about my Tuscany Photography Workshops, please check out the page on the site and feel free to contact me. I’ll give you all the information you need and I can answer as many questions as you can throw at me.

Be quick! There are only a few spaces left for this year.